A Letter To My 23-Year-Old Self On International Women’s Day

5:36 AM

March is the month to commemorate International Women’s Day. To be exact, it is March 8 of every year. What does it mean and why I decided to write this letter?

What is International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day is a celebration of social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Its first modern celebration was held in 1914, on March 8. The day was declared as national holiday in the Soviet Union in 1917. It was mostly celebrated by socialists and communist countries until UN adopted it. (Based on my research.)

Why am I writing this letter?
I am writing this letter to let me know that I have not forgotten myself especially on this month of commemoration for women. At this young age, I’ve been through convenient and difficult times of life that I never imagined before. So, this letter is for me because I reckon I deserve to be acknowledged on this day.

Aside from that, I write this with a hope to raise awareness and encourage other people like you, the one reading this, to construct something about yourself and for yourself because if it is not you, who else would do that?

Lastly, I write this so that I can have something to read, smile or even frown when I am older than 23. Especially that few sleep from now, that numeral figure will be a whole lot different even number soon.

Dear 23-year-old Emelie,

Hey, you! Ugh, I can’t believe you are twenty-three years old by now. It seems you are just seventeen years old this morning. How are you doing? I notice you have a very hectic schedule lately. Please don’t forget to pause and have a little break every once in a while.

I write this letter because I have a weekly blog assignment to do, hahaha. Just kidding! I write this letter to let you know that you deserve a message like this. You are entitled to where you are currently. You are loved since from the very beginning of your life's journey until your physical departure from Earth. I recognize all your determination and struggles. You are special and I am proud of you, girl! Please continue to amaze me.

You are an angel sent from above.
Do you remember your parents' love story? That same old, adorable and ultimate love story that your mother used to tell for nth times when you were a kid?  How the gods favored their love amidst all the odds and trials? You see, you are a love baby made sacredly on that one cold evening (or day) of August 1992.
You are loved bountifully and unconditionally by your parents and so are your siblings. Please remember that when you feel empty, lonely and abandoned. You have their shoulders to lean on and ears to whisper to.

You are determined and passionate on what you do.
Though you haven’t gotten out totally from your shell before (or even until now), “Small but Terrible” that’s what you are. From carrying 12 kilograms worth of books, notebooks and other school supplies daily in elementary days to dreadful sleepless college nights due to your #goodstudent goals of perfecting every single holy exam at school and passing the scholarship's expectations from you.
From a total alien with zero knowledge anything about computer to this point wherein you manage and troubleshoot corporate computers/servers.

You are a fighter and a fast learner.
Those alone moments in your room that feels like forever and literally have no one to talk to. You become independent!
That time when you passed the screenings of many companies and caught up confuse on what to choose. It was hard, really confusing. But then, that inner quality of you of being resilient and a little bit undecided (lol) immersed. You chose what’s near to your heart and best for you. In that way, your skills were honed. You grow as a reliable individual in almost every aspect of work that you do. Your passion for learning and pushing your limits to exceed have helped you a lot especially now. Please continue to outshine!

You are a risk taker and an opportunity chaser.
I will never forget that time you voted yourself to be one of the officers of your particular organization (#bagagFace). How could you do that? Luckily, the people supported your advocacy (lucky jud). I salute the courage, hahaha!
That time also when you raised your hand, like Katniss Everdeen, to be one of the pioneer volunteers for one of Cebu's local technology organization (feeling celebrity). That was very challenging yet very fulfilling now! And all other events and activities you’ve been into; including those future ones (fingers-crossed).
You got it girl, keep moving forward as long as you know you are enjoying the fruits of what you're doing.

You need to take care of your health.
Like seriously! Health is wealth. I know you are very hesitant when it comes to alcoholic drinks, that's good! But come on, you can drink some or even go to parties. Just do it moderately and don’t do what everyone else is doing, you know.
Exercise as well. And by that, I mean you should start your Fitness and Fashion blog in mind right now! (Soon!)

You heart configuration is deadly. Please watchout!
Heartbreaks are normal in your life. When you love, you have the tendency to give it all at once in the open. You bare everything. Some people whom you have offered your love, your everything will probably not need it. As a result, you will doubt yourself. You will feel useless and stupid. So the next time if you are gonna you do it, choose the deserving people. Don’t forget to reserve some love for yourself.
Remember: You are worth it needless of what others say.

You are a dreamer and unique specie.
This particular journey that you have is totally different from others. What others are doing can bring them joy and happiness. What you are doing can also bring you joy and happiness, well with a little amount of struggles. Don’t be afraid to follow what you want. Whenever you hear others say that you got an impossible dream, nope, listen to your inner voice because it is possible! Just remember to be back on track after your life detours.

Yourself :*


  1. Ginalingan oy... Nayabo si Pia Wurtzbach sa awareness-awareness oy hahah.. Good read. #FutureMissU ng CBC... #Hibs2

    1. Haha, Thanks Wellbs! Nawanih najud si kumareng Pia anih bah. LOL20x :D :D

  2. Dear Emelie,

    Start focusing on what matters to you right now. What are your goals? Is it having a new bf? Is it money?
    Is it fame? Everything has a price and we all have limited time. Focus your attention to that one thing you want. The one thing that if achieved, everything else won't matter. Find and that and you will be closer to your dreams.


    Carlo hahahaha

    1. Thanks Carlo. I am currently in the verge of knowing myself more, deciphering about what I like and don't like. Yep, each of our time is limited but I love the "now" soo much. So, I gotta enjoy this first before moving to the next chapter.
      And nope nope, finding a bf is not my goal for now :) hehe

  3. Agree with Sir Carlo. Focus on one thing that truly matters to you unless you're Wonder Woman. LOL.

    1. There are really a lot of things that matters to me even before. I just wish I am a Wonder Woman who can pay attention to 'em all. But for now, I think taking one little step every single time in facing them one by one is better way to start, or shall I say continue. :)

  4. Dear Emelie,

    But most of all, never forget your humble beginnings and the people that made you who and where you are right now. Thank God above all.

    Nah! Just a bit of thoughts currently running on my mind. you can ignore that anyway. hahaha

    Go go go Emelie. There's no other way but up!

    1. Thanks John Jay! Yep, that is the default golden rule in achievement may it be small or big... to "Never forget those humble beginnings and God above all". :)

  5. Love this, Ems! You are one of the greatest woman I've met this year. :) Continue loving yourself. Everything else will fall into its rightful place. :)

    1. Awe! Thanks, Han. I am really thankful to know you too personally because I can just really be who I am if I am with you (and the rest of the squad). We are those little but "great" ladies. Hehe <3 <3

  6. It's good to reflect upon yourself every now and then. Where you're at. What you've done. Where you're heading. All the works! Nice self-aware writeup Ems! :)

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  9. Dear Emelie,

    This is my first time to read this blog and na amazed ko sa concept na you wrote a letter for your 23 year old self. Galing! Hopefully I can make my own too. You can celebrate Women's day everyday. I really salute to all the women all over the world. 👏👏👏👏👏


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