BLOG YOUR HEART OUT: Blogging Essentials and Tips

11:56 AM

Who would have thought I could inspire a few people with my passion? This was the happy question I asked myself that one night after I received an invitation to be a speaker for Passerelles Numeriques Talk at University of San Carlos – Talamban Campus.

A newbie blogger.
I am a total beginner when it comes to blogging. I officially started writing last January 1, 2017 as part of my New Year’s Resolution - to stop procrastination whenever possible. That is equivalent to one month of experience as to this writing. Though I have written a few posts last year, those just served as a test or somehow like a glimpse for myself of what was the feeling to own a free blogspot site and explore some cool templates available in various styles.
I was a member of our school publication when I was in High School. I admit I didn't love writing that much because I just didn’t know how to express what I wanted to share.  I was very unproductive. There was one time that my article got published on one of the releases. I was happy (though it was located at the very end with a very small font, looked like it was not that eye-catching and important, lol.)
I created my this blogsite without the help of somebody but Google and Youtube. The process was just easy and self-explanatory. I chose blogspot because I felt I got to use this Google product, lol, after all, I worked at GDG Cebu so it would be appropriate to use it, nah just kidding. I've made some tweaks on the XML code and I enjoyed it a lot.

Why me?
Talks at PN is a monthly event initiated by Passerelles Numériques Philippines, where speakers from different backgrounds share their “PNspiring” knowledge, skills and experiences with students, staff, alumni and French volunteers. The overarching objective of this event is the convergence of ideas. 
Talks at PN enables various ideas to meet in order to have a high creative impact among the attendees. Thus, as side-effects they become “Inspired, Engaged & Enthusiastic” with their respective personal mission and ambition.
December 5, 2016 - sir Clark messaged me if I have a blogger friend who could do the “talk”. I said to him I would find one. It was holiday season and I was caught up with my busy schedule and other activities so I kind of forgot the request.
January 5, 2017 - He emailed me and this time he was asking if I can do the “talk”. I was really surprised!
Invitation email
I was hesitant at first because I’m a newbie. Nevertheless, I said Yes! because I wanted to do the talking :) ;) I have also attended trainings, online research and coaching sessions that helped me with my blogging passion. It would just be appropriate to share because I love the satisfaction I would feel out of it. Besides, one thing I learned from the movies I watched is to never say no to opportunities. And thinking that hopefully I could inspire others, so there's no reason to say “no”. It was a great way to start the year right!

The time has come for the “Talk” session.
January 28, 2017 at 8:00 A.M. was the moment of truth for me to burst my ideas on stage.  I arrived at the venue earlier than eight in the morning so that I could familiarize the place and eliminate the feeling of nervousness inside. I have also spoken to the crowd before in the exact place so I guess that helped me to calm down, too. My topic was about Blog Your Heart Out: Blogging Essentials and Tips.

Yay, early bird us

Rigney Hall - the venue :)

She is DJ (EMCEE). She welcomed and introduced me to the audience as if I won the lottery!
Duration of the talk: 1 hour  (discussion) and 15 minutes (question and answer).
Main agenda:
  • 1. What is a blog?
  • 2. Why do it?
  • 3. How to start?
  • 4. What are the keypoints to consider?
  • 5. The 5H characteristics to successful blogging. (credits to Mr. Lai for allowing me to include this.)
  • 6. When to start?

 Link of my powerpoint presentation here.

The questions (as far as I can remember).
I only included 4 questions in this post.
1. What free blog platforms do you recommend?
- I recommend 2 most known platforms which are Blogspot and There are also  other free platforms that you can choose if you want just like Weebly, Wix, etc.
2. Is it really necessary to buy a domain name for your blog?
- This depends on what your plan is. 
No, it is not necessary to buy a domain name for your blog  if you write occasionally.
Yes, it is necessary to buy a domain name if you really want to focus on blogging and if you want to make a name out there. Having  your own domain name is ‘professional’ in a sense that mostly, advertisers and brands will be so keen in partnering with you. Also, they do not take some time to type. Think: versus – the second one is better, right?
3. What was my inspiration to blog?
- First, this is part of my New Year's Resolution. Second, I love the idea that I have owned a collection of my memories online that I can browse/read when I get old. Imagine sitting in my balcony with my gray hair, sipping coffee while holding a tab on the  other hand and browsing the happy memories I had when I was young. I perhaps can share about how awesome my life was when i was younger to my grand kids!  Lastly, my breakup with my  ex motivated me to write. What can I do? I need to keep myself as busy as I can in order to smooth out my moving on process.
4. Is it necessary to create categories/Pages in your blog?
Yes, it is. In this way, you are tiding up your blog and it will be easy for your readers to navigate on which topic they want to read.
Giving of certificate. Oops, where am I looking?

The wonderful students and my sweet friends :*

Yay, groufie! :D

After the event, I toured myself in USC-TC's beautiful scenery. It's been a while since I've been there and there were lots of changes :)


  1. Wow! You are so blessed and your experience was so encouraging for me as a newbie. I agree on what you said to never refuse an opportunity. Great post by the wat.

  2. Nice!!!! I hope you inspired lots of future bloggers that day :)

    1. I hope I did. I think they like the benefits of being a blogger, lol.

  3. Always speak whenever you have the opportunity arises :)

    Also, yes! Procrastination sakit sa daghan kaayo na bloggers

    1. Yes! Gotta catch 'em all opportunities out there :)

  4. This is a very inspirational post for newbie bloggers (me included). I'm glad you took the opportunity and accepted the challenge. Belated congratulations for your successful session. :)

  5. This is just amazing! Never let an opportunity to pass. Keep posting :)

  6. Good job on accepting the challenge. I am a very negative person and not so fond of speaking in front of a crowd.

  7. It's great that you finally decided to pursue blogging this year! I hope a lot of people got inspired with your talk that day. :)

  8. It's always a great feeling to be able to share your passion whether you are a newbie or not. So kudos to you for taking on the challenge of public speaking. Most people just need validation and inspiration to start writing or blogging so even a little nudge will be a big help.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm glad that you were able to share your passion to these students. Invite them to go to CBSummit soon. :)

  11. Thank you for sharing your passion. It seems like I'm one of the students listening. :)

  12. I reviewed your presentation and I literally laughed on the section when would you do it - After graduation! Clap! Clap! Clap! So good! Inspirational to students who aspire to become one. Keep it up!

  13. I tip my hat off to you for taking the challenge. I could literally not have done what you just did in front of those students. Public speaking is just not my cup of tea. But Im curious though, since you basically started blogging just last month, when did you attend such training and coaching sessions? Were they before you got invited to do the talk?

  14. Wow! How to be you po?! Haha. Congrats kaayo Emz. Continue to blog your heart out, improve yourself and your blog, and eventually inspire others!

  15. That's a big milestone for you, congrats Emelie! More events like this for you in the future. :)

  16. Awesome job Emelie! Keep up your fine work. I hope to see you more in events. I really enjoy your company.

  17. Wow! Even though you're a newbie, you got to share your knowledge with students! Congrats! And yes, bring them to the Cebu Blogging Summit! :)

  18. Wow! This is great Emelie! As early as now, you have a great achievement na. More speaking engagements! :-)

  19. Awww. That's so awesome! To more speaking engagements, indeed! It's always a good feeling to be able to share what you know and what you are passionate about. And, as for me, it's a huge achievement to get over stage fright and fear of crowds. Hahaha! :)


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